Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Ti ta'lo dumingu

J.D. Crutch

Yan todo i manelu-hu mali'e siha yan i manaina-hu
And all of my siblings and my parents they're seen
Lao guahu, ai guahu nai i likikidu ya ai hu dingu si nana-hu
But me, oh I, I'm the favorite and I left my mom
Mungi nai na tatte? Magahit gima-mami sa gaige gui' si nana-hu yan lokkue si tata-hu
When will I come back? It's true it's our home because there's my mom and my dad

Hunggan nana lachi yu'
Yes, mom I was wrong
Lao matto yu' nai tatte
But I came back
Sa hagu hu hahasso
Because I think about you
Yan hagu nai ya-hu
And you're the one I love
Sa guahu nai i likiku, magahit dumingu i manaina-hu lao matto yu' nai lokkue tatte
Because I'm the favorite, it's true I left my parents, but I came back also
Ya ti ta'lo dumingu
And I won't go again

1 comment:

Matå'pang said...


Masea haf taimånu?

Pot fabot