Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Metgot i Chamorro

You know something.
I've read some Chamorro forums that talked about the Chamorro culture being dead or will die so might as well not touch it. Like it were some kind of disease. That the language we have had for thousands of years is nothing and shouldn't be important to us.
Ai na piniti para guahu.
Why do people talk about the Chamorro culture being something of the distant past that has been lost?
Why do people talk about the Chamorro culture as if it were something we cannot save or shouldn't save?
This kind of thinking is not what we should be doing.
This is how I see the Chamorro culture and I hope it may help motivate those who think it is dead or shouldn't be saved.

The Chamorro people have shown immense strength and survival through keeping our culture alive for hundreds of years of colonialism and oppression.
It could have been lost hundreds of years ago and we would just be an island that spoke Spanish as the native tongue. But our ancestors did not let this happen. Albeit we put a lot of words into our vocabulary from the Spanish, but the way we pronounce it and our grammar is still the same.
Yes we lost our ancient canoes and our dances, but we still kept many of the things we could manage to keep.
It was hard to do many ancient thigns because the Spanish forbade it and the Chamorros did not want to get in trouble.
But the Chamorro's still were a little aguaguat. They manage to keep the techa, the weaving, the language, the customs like chen'chule and the deep respect for the dead alive.
We have survived through a war that was so hard. And I will never know what they went through, but I imagined it to be ruthless.
With the American colonization we slowly lost many native speakers to the idealism of English being important and the old Chamorro ways not something to strive for. It looked like it was over for us.
But today there is culture revival going on and we can be a part of it. We can learn our tongue, we can learn the skills, we can learn the stories so we can keep it alive.
We are a people that survive and we can show once again that we will survive.
So no Chamorro culture isn't dead we have incorporated what we needed to incorporate to survive. We are still Chamorros.
Chamorros are stong.
Si Yu'us Ma'ase.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Ayuda i famaguon-ta

Tinige as Paraisu
Gof bunita este na kanta. Gof magahit sa necesita fanague i famaguo-ta i culutra-ta.

Hagu mesmu chamoru un gosa i bendesion ginen i guelo-ta
Un tungo i kultura, i kustumbre, i lenguahi yan todu I hinenge
Hasso pago siha i famaguon ta ayuda sa siha ti matungo
I famaguon-ta na’i i bendision ni diputsi para siha
Sa isao este para ta tulaika i rasan-niha i famaguonta
Manmamatka papa I mainaina-ta yan kon todu I tiningemu-niha
Maila ya ta prutehi I tinige-hu i anitgu cosa ki lumala
Asa papa siha I famaguon
Este ginen as yu’us na’bendesion
I famaguonta na’i i bendesion ni dipustsi para siha
Sa isao este para ta tulaika I asonniha I famaougonta ayuda siha I famaguon-ta sa este si yu’us malago-na

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Koronan Flores

Gof legit si Ti Napu.

Un nabeste hao koronan flores para i che'cho-mu
Assun todu i magagu-mu
Ma kehayi hao desmui amiga-mu
Naguaha otro sa dinachi keha sa un fatta hao gi halom taotao

Lao bai sugun i pinadesi
Hafa yu' bai cho'gue
Yanggen enao dispusisio-mu ai lokkue neni
Ya un dia simepre un tungo piniti-hu
Ya hu tangan tatte i gima-mu.

I trongkon atbot ai nai manflores
Hu hasso hao neni
Ya hu tanga hao gi fion-hu
I famaguon-ta konseduku kada puengi
An un dingu ham put i otro na guinaiya-mu


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ha'anen Kasamiento

Bunita este na kanta tinige as Frank De Leon Guerrero.

Ai matto i ha'anen kasamiento
Para hagu neni yan guahu
Ai gaige yu' guini gi atat kirida-hu
Ti apman siempre gaige gi fion-hu

Bai hu prumeti hao palaoan
Nu i guinaiya-ku
Ai bai hu pega i aniyu gi kalulot-mu
Bai hu asiste mona gi linala-ta
Maseha pobre pat riku kirida
Bai hu cho'gue todu i ninasina-hu para bai hu na'magof i kurason-mu
Bai hu guaiya hao esta i finatai-hu

Pues maila ya ta a gotte kannai kirida
Ta asagua gi menan Yu'us Tata
Yanngen monhanyan hit esta umasagua
Ta continua mo'na i linalata

Hu guaiya hao para todu tiempo (2x)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hagu i Rason i Linala-hu

Este na kanta tinige as Frank De Leon Guerrero.

Palaoan ai hagu i guinaiya i kurason-hu.
Sin hagu ai taimanu para bai hu li'e gi hilo tano.
I guinaiya-mu nu guahu esta i rason i lina'la-hu taya mas hu guaiya ki hagu kirida-hu.

Kada hu gotte hagu i dos kannai-hu mas manguaiya yu' nu hagu
Magahit hagu i rason i lina'la-hu


Neni yanggen humita sen magof i sienente-ku guaha na biahi nai mappot para hu dingu i fion-mu.
I anakuku i gapotilu-mu yan i freska i mata-mu yan i karinosamu bumensi i kurason-hu.


Neni hu tuge este na kanta para hagu.
Ekungok sa siempre un tungo i sienenente-ku guini gi halon kurason-hu para hagu.
Asagua-hu mampos manguaiya yu nu hagu.

Chorus (2x)

Some of the lyrics might be lachi. Sangani yu' ya bai tulaika.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Apam na tiempo

Ai adai malefa este na blog.
Lao pa'go bai tuge something.
Hu li'e otro na blog na'an "Desde Sanlagu para Guahan" yan hu hongge gof maolek i taotao.
Malago gui' bai ha tungo i fino Chamoru yan na'magof i kurason-hu.
Malago yu' todu na manhoben manmalago ma tungo i fino-ta sa iyo-ta yan we got to be proud.

I really would like to be a part of the movement for Chamoru language revitalization even though my Chamoru isn't completely fluent. At least I can teach what I know and I can learn even more. It would be gof maolek para guahu.