Thursday, March 21, 2019

Gotte mafñut

First Issue

Gotte mafñut munga masotta ha guahu ha debi di un tungo
Hold me tight, don't let go of me, there's something you should know
Hu guaiya hao maseha taimanu
I love you in every way
Put fabot munga humanao
Please don't leave

Nihi ta famokkat gi kanton tåsi
Let's walk by the beach
Ya ta hasso i hanom, hita na dos
And the water will remind us of you and me
Dumaña kalan i tasi
Together like the sea


shirleenxhope said...

Can you post lyrics for Daniel Leon Guerrero songs ? Isao & Ai Lahi Hu please !!!!!

Unknown said...

can u translate
Megot na guinaiya by Cruz family please