Thursday, March 21, 2019

Esta yu' maniente

Rose Martinez Certeza

Ti hu hongge neni na ta pa ali'e ta'lo
I didn't believe we would see each other again
Ya kada hu atan hao maniente i kurason-hu
And every time I saw you my heart flutter
Kumuentos hit put hagu yan guahu
We talked about you and me
U mankumprende hit put i sientete taiguihi tiempo
We understood our feelings at the time
Lao hafa yu' guini bai hu chogue
But what will I do here
Senatrasao sa esta yu' manienente
You're very late because I'm already feeling things

Ti hagas tiempo ha annai estaba hit matungo
It wasn't a long time that we knew each other
I guinaiya-ta guihi ti siña ta konsigi
Our love there couldn't continue
Sa sotetera yu' hoben yan brabu
Because I was a young women, young and strong
Hagu gi un banda klasen taotao gi un tiempo
You were on the side one of those people from the past

Lao chamu neni hinalang nu guahu
But don't miss me baby
Bai hu aksepta i singanan yan siente-mu
I will accept what you say and your feelings
Lao despensa yu' ti hu håsngon pon taiguini
But forgive me I didn't intend for this to be this way
Para faniente i kurason-hu put hagu neni
For my heart to have feelings for you baby

Ti siña yu' maigo neni an puengi
I can't sleep at night
Puti chenot i manguaiya nai guihi
This love hurts
Lao bai respeta i singanan-mu nu guahu
But I will respect what you tell me
Yanggin neni ennao gi malago-mu
If baby that is what you want
Lao polu dialo ya bai hu sungon
But alright and I will endure
Bai hu susteni i guinaiya-ku nu hagu
I will sustain my love for you

Lao sa hu gano na hagu ha' i guinaiya-ku
But I have won, you are my love
Ai ya hu gano sa hagu ha' taya ha otro
And I won because you have no other

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