Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Kelvin Duenas

Manafakcha todo i prublema-hu
All my problems happen at the same time
Gaige nobia-hu na para u fanagu
There's my girlfriend who's going to give birth
Si tata-hu nai malangu ya kon todo si tata-na
My dad is sick and also his dad
Yan makkat bai nafatto bai hu atendi i che'cho-hu
And it's hard to go and attend to my work
Ai dialo bai hu sungon taiguini ai dipotsi
Oh if only I could take this, I suppose
Yan hunggan magahit na si Yu'os para hu kurehi
And yes it's true that God will lead my way
Ya hu gagagao i Saina ha ni todo ayudantena
And I ask you Lord give me all the help
Sa esta kakanta ti hu susugnon i pinentin siha
Because I'm already singing that I can't take all this pain

Ai magof i kurason-hu sa gaige nu i Saina
My heart is very happy because you are there Lord
Ha na'i ham un patgon ni felis ni fanagu-na
You gave us a son, a happy birth
Yan si tata uttimo-na ai sa homhom i minalagu-na
And my dad the last, because you made him better from his sickness
Lao hayu ha i piniti-na, dumescancansa si tata-na
But he has some pain, his dad is resting


Unknown said...

si yu'us ma'ase chelu'hu. I can't thank you enough for helping me learn our language through music. I was wondering can you post the lyrics for chelu's commonwealth by candy Taman?

theislander said...

Sorry for not getting to this sooner. But the lyrics are up.