Sunday, April 22, 2018


Bobbie Degracia

Atrasao na para ta danna talo tatti
It's too late for us to get together again
Ni hagas yu' lahi un na piniti ai todos i bidada-mu
It's been a long you've hurt me, all the pain of what you did
Atrasao ilek-mu na malago hao nu guahu
It's too late, you said you wanted me
Ginen un tiempo manguaiya yu' nu hagu
For a time I loved you
Lao esta lahi atrasao
But it's too late boy
Hagu sa maƱoda yu' i guinaiya-ku
You're the one who found my love
yan kon todu lokkue para i minagof-hu
And also all my happiness
Ya hagas yu' lahi di un na'piniti
And you've hurt me too long
Yan ni ngain ni funas gi hinasso-ku
I'll never erase you from my thoughts

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