Sunday, December 8, 2024

I gapot ilu-mu

I gapot ilu-mu ai neni sabanas-hu yanggin puengi- Your hair oh baby my blanket when it's night

Ya i fasu-mu i alunan-hu- And your face is my pillow

i labios-mu ai neni pumapangon yu' yan an ha'ani- Your lips oh baby wake me up when it's day

I gapot ilu-mu neni sabanas-hu yanggin puengi-Your hair baby my when blanket when it's night

Makmata yu' an oggo'an ya ti hu sodda hao gi fion-hu- I woke up in the morning and I didn't find you near me

Lao hu sodda ai neni i katta-mu- But I found oh baby your letter

Ai hu taitai gi katta-mu na para un dingu yu' put otro- Oh I read your letter that you're leaving me for another

Ai na tuhu papa neni i lago-hu- Oh then my tears oh baby started to fall

Ai gaige yu' gi sagan gumimen- I'm here at the bar

Na sige ha yu' neni di manhasso'- And oh baby I keep thinking

Ai hu hahasso tatte siha i manmagof siha na tiempo- I'm thinking back on all the happy times

Gi annai chechetton hao guini gi fion-hu- When you were close to me next to me 

1 comment:

LahenMalesso671 said...

Can you do lyrics for Angelina Kolasa? Si Yuos Maase 🙏