Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Ginen as K.C. De Leon Guerrero

I guinaiya-ku neni nai nu hagu taddong gi kurason-hu
My love for you baby, it's deep in my heart
Ya mampos metgot esti nai na guinaiya ai ya tai foddong
And this love is very strong and has no end
I guinaiya-ku neni ai takilot-na gi i mapagahes
My love for you baby is as high as the clouds
Ai taya sina tulaika nai guahu, ha solu
There nothing can change me, just myself

I annai pago hu li’e hao pala’aon
When I saw you girl
Hagu ha neni mas hu a’atan
You baby are the one I looked at the most
Pula fan gi gapot ilu-mu yan i bunita-mu
Untie your hair and your beauty
Bumesi neni I kurason-hu
Baby you won my heart

Gi annai un aksepta yu para atungo-hu
When you accept me as your friend
Un namagof I sinenteku
You make me feel happy
Bai hu chagi todo I ninasina-hu
I will try all I can
Para bai hu na’magof hao todo I tiempo
To make you happy forever

Maila neni ya un fatachong gi fion-hu
Come baby and sit near me
Prumeti yu’ nu I guinaiya-mu
Promise me your love
Ekungkok esti siha na palabras—hu
Listen to these my words
Palabras ginen I kurason-hu
Words from my heart 


Unknown said...

Can you post Angelina Kolasa by larry sarulu

Matå'pang said...

Che'lu, you got Suette Hao? Ginen JD pat Joe McCarrell?