Despensa yu' anggin guaha lachi na lyrics lao este i lyrics pa Si Sirena ginen as Johnny Sablan
Si Sirena gi halom tasi
Sirena in the sea
Si Sirena bunita lao triste
Sirean, beautiful but sad
Sentura para hulo palao’an
Above her waist a girl
Sentura para papa guihan
Below her waist a fish
Si Sirena rainan mattinan
Sirena queen of the open sea
Este na estoria put un suttera na palao’an
This is a story of a young girl
I na’an-ña si Sirena
Her name is Sirena
Yan-ña ñumangu gi saddok
She likes to swim at the river
An tinagu gi as nana-na I saddok finenena hinanao-na
When her mom calls her the river is the first place she goes
Kalan guihan gi halom hanom ai na pinekera na patgon
She's like a fish in water, oh what a rascal child
Apman tiempo esta si Sirena numuñangu
A long time Sirena was swimming
In agang gi as nana-na lao mas papa gui ha foddong
Her mom called her, but she went down deeper
Tai pasensia esta si nana-na pues ha gannayi si Sirena
Her mom had no patience and she won over Sirena
Ya humuyung mamaguihan lamita gi taotaotaotao-na
And when she got out half of her body was fish
Ai nana senriku pago guini
Oh mom I'm very rich here
Sa guahu I unika raina gi halom tasi
Because I'm the queen of the sea
Todo I guihan umaosge yu’
All the fish obey me
Lao ti kumu gaige yu’ gi fion-mu
But it's not like being near you
Nana hafa na un diseha na bai hu taiguene
Mom why did you decide to make me be this way?
Ai ti hu tungo hafa bai huyong pago
I don't know how to get out now
Pues nana adahi i manelu-hu todos sa esta ti sina kumuentusi siha
Well mom watch over my siblings because I can't talk to them
Pues nana atan yu’ sa este I uttimo ta li’e na dos
Well mom look at me because this is the last time we'll see each other