Tinige as Ben De Leon Guerrero
Hafa pon cho’gue nu ki palao'an ni todo tiempo gaige gi
What will you do girl I was always by your side
Ya hafa pon cho’gue nai ni otro
And what will you do with the other
Ilek-mu na gaige halom gi kurason-mu
You said I was in your heart
Ya hu chagi ha sumangnani hao lao ti ekungkok neni i fino-hu
And I tried to tell you, but you didn’t listen to what I was
Pues dispensa yu’ palao'an sa ti guahu para hagu
Well forgive me girl because I’m not the one for you
Tumetekkon papa I ilu-hu kada hu hungkok neni I na’an-mu
I bow my head every time I hear your name
Sa huekkua hafa ta’lo bida-mu
Because I don’t know what you did again
Ai neni hafa chinot-mu
Oh baby what’s your problem
Ya hu chagi ha sumangnani hao lao ti un ekungkok neni I fino-hu
And I tried to tell you but you wouldn’t listen to what I
was saying
Pues dispensa yu’ ai palao'an sa ti guhua para hagu
Then forgive me girl because I’m not the one for you
Despensa yu’ palao'an sa ti guahu para hagu
Forgive me girl because I’m not the one for you