Friday, February 1, 2019

Chelus Commonwealth

Si Lapulapu senmatanga sa ha puno si Magellan
Lapulapu was fearless because he killed Magellan
Si Chief Matapang  yan si Hurao mapuno si San Vitores
Chief Matapang and Hurao killed San Vitores
Sa estague dipotsi i sensian antigu protehi i tano i chelus
Because this was the character of the ancient ones, to protect the land of the brothers

I oficianes yan i publiku mafotma i Commonwealth
The officials and the public formed the Commonwealth
Si Uncle Sam ti komfofotmi sigi di ha maditieni
Uncles Sam didn't confirm it and they continue to delay
Buenti ha malago-na para u matendi
Maybe they want to be attentive
Lao munga hit nai sumedi
But let's not allow it

Guam tano-niha i manguelo-ta desde tiempon anitgu
Guam your land was ruled since old times
Siha manduenu ya ti debi esti siha na kastigu
with rulers and this shouldn't be a punishment
Colonialism sistema, imperialism prublema
Colonial system, imperialism is a problem
O God we trust America

Chelus fanohge yan ta prutehi i futurun tano-ta
Brothers, stand up and protect the future of our land
Hami i congresu yan i gobietno fanma'ase i famaguon-ta
Our congress and the government have mercy on our children
Esti iyo-ta, esti na irensia ginen as guelo yan guela
This is ours, this is our given rights from our ancestors


Paul said...

Thank you for your blog and all the songs

theislander said...

Thank you Paul for reading the blog!

shirleenxhope said...

I was born 1996, I really do take the time to listen and appreciate all the CHAMORRO music and it's lyrics. I may be young but it's like my soul is old school and would rather keep the language and culture living before we become totally something we're not. We've lost our ways with technology and money and how hard life has become just to take care of ourselves and ones' family !!!! Thank you !!! The music helps !!!!