Friday, April 7, 2017


I manaina-mu todo i tiempo mapulan hao puengi yan ha'ani
Your parents all the time look after you night and day
Ya desdi ki hao ni mafaañgu-mu sin hafa na finatanges
And since you were born without crying
Masungon todo siha minappot put para mana'dangkulu
They endure all the sufferings so you can get bigger
Ayu na hagu lokkue nu i patgon para i saina-mu munga ingrato
That's why you also the child for your parents don't be ungrateful

Atan hulo i pilan gi langhet
Look up at the moon in the sky
Sa mañila sumensapet ha iinan i hinemhom na chalan para ta li'e i hinaonao-ta
Because to be inflamed is very hard to give light to the dark road so we can see our way
kulan un saina gi famaguon-mu mapupulan maseha manu
Like a parent with their children, they watch over us wherever we are
Ayu na hagu lokkue nu i patgon para i saina-mu munga ingrato
That's why you also the child for your parents don't be ungrateful

1 comment:

Jofis4ofis said...

Can you do Americano pao asu by the same person for the lyrics?