Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Hagu mames na nana

Hagu mames na nana ginen as Ruby
Gof bunita na kanta

Hagu i mames na nana, hagu i mas bunita
You are the most sweet mom, you are the most beautiful

In guiya hao nana, nana i saina-ta
We love you mom, mom our elder

Hagu i mames na nana, gaige hao gi kurason-hu
You are the most sweet mom, you are in my heart

Bendisi ham todo i famaguon-mu
Bless us all your children


In gagagao hao nana para un dispensa bidan-mami
 We ask you mom, to forgive us for what we did

Yanggin minapinti hao pues dispensa isao-mami
 If we hurt you then forgive our sins

Hagu malak na kandet, i nanan i familia
You are the brightest light, the mother of the family

Hagu bunita nana, hagu i mas inadora
You are beautiful mom, you are the most adored

Hagu i mames na nana, gaige hao gi kurason-hu
You are the most sweet mom, you are in my heart

Bendisi ham todo i famaguon-mu
Bless us all your children

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